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Queensland Registration Requirements For Homeschooling

Updated: Aug 25, 2024

Thematic Education:

Information On Queensland Requirements when Registering For Schooling in the Home:

Homeschooling is a legal and valid alternative to education at school and requirements differ from state to state.

Queensland has its own legislation on the requirements and processes regarding home education.

The Home Education Unit (HEU) is the legal body to register with for home education.

You either need to register for Home Schooling with the Home Education Unit or

Enrol with one of the Distance Education Schools.

You apply directly to the Distance Education school or with the Queensland Home Education Unit.

Registering with the Queensland Home Education Unit:

New Applications & Submitting your Plan:

Registration with Home Education Unit is available in the year your child turns 5 1/2 years of age up until the end of the year they turn 17.

Legally you do not have to register your child until they turn 6 1/2 years of age.

To support your application for registration to home school a number of documents are required for the application completion under the Act (s.208 of the Act).

These are listed below:

A. A copy of one of theses documents

1/ The child's full birth certificate.

2/ Medicare card.

3/ Immunisation record.

4/ Health Care Card/ Pension Card.

Anything that shows the parent or carer child relationship along with the child's birth date on it.

B. A copy of a document such as a marriage or change of name certificate linking the applicant's name to the parent's name appearing on the child's birth certificate.

(this is only required if the applicant's name does not appear on the child's birth certificate.)

C. Copies of any current court orders relating to the child.

D. Other documentation to demonstrate the applicant is exercising parental responsibility for the child.

(If the applicant is not a biological parent.)

E. A signed copy of the completed declaration.

(The declaration form is enclosed in the Home Education Unit Application for Registration Package)

F. A summary of the educational program (your learning PLAN) to be implemented in the home environment that

demonstrates the high-quality education you will provided to the child.

Apply online or email your Plan and this Application Form via email:

You can apply to register for home schooling in Queensland without a plan.

You have 4 to 6 weeks to provide it.

The Home Education Unit will send an email requesting the missing Plan, so send your plan through via email as soon as possible.

You will be provided with a 60 days only Provisional Registration without a Plan.

You can not apply to Home Education Unit and be registered in a school, you need to remove your child from the school they are enrolled at the day you apply.

If you are enrolled in a school apply for an Exemption from your school at the following link:

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